So I did it. Threw my name into the running for the AgChat Foundation Agvocacy Training 2.0.
Then they did something entirely unexpected, they said come on down. Crap, now what?
I mean I'm flattered, but these folks are techies. bloggers, and experts in the social media field. They speak foreign languages like twitter and Quora. I'm a feed salesman who talks to...... well, my customers mostly.
I'm really interested in seeing how they are going to train someone like me. Heck, some teens changed to screen saver on my droid and three weeks later I'm still needing to get that changed.
But I do share a passion to tell the story of agriculture with those removed from the farm and how their food gets to them. I'm a firm believer that each of us owes that to our industry. Times and methods of communicating are changing, and we can be the "I remember when" guy, or embrace the change.
I'm gonna try embrace it, I'll keep you all posted on how that works out. It's going to be a bumpy ride.