Sunday, December 30, 2012

My Facebook Status. An Update, A Year Later

So about a year ago I mentioned the story behind my Facebook status. For those of you who haven't read it, here's the link
Nearly a year has past since I wrote that blog, and I thought I would give everyone an update.
It's been a pretty eventful year. I had a son and a whole bunch of other kids graduate for high school. These kids had become pretty special to me. They had allowed me to walk along with them through lots of growing up stuff. They shared more of their lives with me than a dad could ever expect. Each one of them was a tremendous blessing to me.
The year held unexpected blessings.
At the top of the list was the opportunity to sit with a young lady, as she opened her heart and asked Jesus to come into her life. I've talked to kids before as they made that commitment, but this was the first time it happened with one of "my" kids. This young person is still a part of my life, and I'm so happy to see God's continued work in her life.
I've been blessed by the young people that God brought into my life in the past on how they continue to be a blessing. Graduations and new jobs,  new towns, and new challenges. A new openness to the challenges life brings, and an opportunity to see God's hand and his love at work. Tremendous personal growth that is sometimes hard to see from the inside, but so very evident to the rest of us. Twitterdad is proud.
God also saw fit to introduce me to some new kids this year. Talks have gone from boyfriends, to parents, to death/suicide and even dogs. I've been asked to pray for them, and continue to pray for them. They continually amaze me, and the big things they have to deal with are staggering. They've become an important part of my life.
 I've been called pops, big poppa, and #standindad. None of those terms are anything I deserve.
 God's work is an amazing thing to behold, and he's taking me along for the ride.

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