Thursday, August 19, 2010

Am I Being Poisoned to Death?

One of the unfortunate facts in this whole animal rights/ wholesome foods debate is that sometimes the conversation goes in directions that you haven’t the expertise to address. Someone throws out the fact that 100% of people die of something, and then you ask to disprove the fact. Huh? Follow that with the fact that if you word it right, nearly everything in life could sound much worse than it really is, and you have a problematic conversation on your hands.

But sometimes the folks on the other side of the farming issues really can make you aware of the dangers out there. A pair of Dr.’s recently put out a study that linked chemical use to the amount and variety of chemicals that are present in our foods, in our environment, in the houses that we live in, etc. But don’t let the big names of the chemicals scare you, because while most are untested, they have been able to extend our life expectancy rates to levels unimaginable just 100 years ago.

But in my research I’ve come across a silent killer, a killer that few of us are aware of:


Scared yet? You should be. From my point of view, very little scares me more than death by dihydrogen monoxide.

This chemical is responsible for untold deaths in the US, and a nearly unspeakable number of deaths around the world. Inhaling something like 6 oz of this chemical is enough to kill the average adult.  It is present in the air we breathe, and in varying levels in the food we eat. It can collect on roads during the summer, causing numerous accidents, and when it freezes on roads, it becomes slippery and unstable. It is a vector for the transmission of food borne illnesses, and has also been known to be the leading factor in animal waste spills. While quite a bit is known about the effects of this chemical on the human body, few people are aware of the toxicity problem that exists. Under high pressure this chemical can cut flesh. Wars have been fought over this chemical.

We need to commit the funds and the resources needed to make the public aware of the looming dangers present here. Studies need to be commissioned, regulations passed, and this chemical needs to be taxed heavily to discourage its irresponsible use. I have actually come across examples of parents letting their children running through this chemical on their lawns, exposing their young bodies to the possible toxic side effects of this substance. Where are the child endangerment laws that are designed to protect these children?  I put forth that we should limit the amount of dihydrogen monoxide to not quantities of not larger than 20 oz, and require regulations, signed forms and extensive education for anyone wishing to endanger themselves with larger amounts.

Wow, that rant made me thirsty, time for something to drink.  Wait a minute……………..

To learn more about this dangerous substance click here:

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